Attach disk to an UNDEPLOYED VM

Rubén, thanks for the reply. Does anybody still use non-shared storage with copying images over SSH nowadays?

As for attaching the disk in the UNDEPLOYED state - for shared and read-only CDROM, I don’t see why this would be a problem. If I understand it correctly, in SSH mode, these images already reside on a central node. And they don’t need to be “attached” per se, just marked for attachment during the next DEPLOY. Also, let the user decide, whether he wants to waste a storage or a central server or not. Having to go through deploy-shutdown-diskattach instead of allowing cold-plug in the UNDEPLOYED state is not a good alternative.

Anyway, in my opinion OpenNebula could be made better by not treating all storage models the same and acting as greatest common denominator, using only the subset of features, which can be provided by all backends. It could be better to support some actions depending on features provided by an underlying TM/VMM/etc. It could make sense to support disk attach and detach even in UNDEPLOYED state, provided that the underlying storage is shared (e.g. Ceph). It could also make sense to use native snapshots in Ceph, as I wrote here:

I know this would be a big architectural change, but anyway, thanks in advance for considering this.


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