Migration failure on 6.10.0 - missing to_s. How to recover?

Update: trying to recover running QEMU processes while ONe thinks the VMs are POWEROFF. I tried to do

  • figure out the host where QEMU is really running

  • figure out the number of placements, something like onevm show --json $VM_ID | jq .VM.HISTORY_RECORDS.HISTORY[-1].SEQ

  • onedb update-history --id $VM_ID --seq $LAST_SEQ (there really should be a --last-seq switch instead of just --seq N) - edit the entry to reflect the hostname and ID of the host where the QEMU process is running.

  • onedb update-body vm --id $VM_ID – set all of STATE, LCM_STATE, PREV_STATE and PREV_LCM_STATE to 3.

  • onevm resched $VM_ID to set up a new QEMU process based on what ONe expects

This more or less works, but these VMs now do not have a VNC console. Clicking on the console icon in sunstone displays a new browser tab, but connection error Something went wrong, connection is closed is displayed instead of the VNC session. Some of the VMs now have “None” console set up in VM tabConfUpdate ConfigurationInput/Output. But even when I enable VNC manually, the console is still inaccessible.

So, what is the correct way how to tell ONe about a running QEMU ONe seems to forget?
