OpenNebula 5.0 ‘Wizard’ Beta Released!

Ok I’m replaying to myself, I didn’t saw the new options :wink:

arguments : for the driver executable
-t number of threads, i.e. number of repo operations at the same time
-d datastore mads separated by commas
-s system datastore tm drivers, used to monitor shared system ds.

This info is not included in ONED Configuration — OpenNebula 5.0.2 documentation yet

Hi! I tested ceph as system DS. Now I try install own image with Ubuntu 16.04.

  1. Upload ISO to Image DS (Ceph).
  2. Create empty datablock image 8192Mb and make it persistent.
  3. Create template with 2 disks. Boot from iso.
  4. Create VM on system DS (Ceph)
  5. Get error…

[Z0][ONE][E]: DISK 0: Cannot acquire image 8, it is persistent and already in use
Thu Jun 2 22:38:02 2016 [Z0][ReM][E]: Req:5248 UID:0 TemplateInstantiate result FAILURE [TemplateInstantiate] Error allocating a new virtual machine template. DISK 0: Cannot acquire image 8, it
is persistent and already in use


That error comes from the opennebula core logic, the drivers do not matter here. A persistent image cannot be used by more than one VM.
Is there any other VM using image 8?

Fixed, thank you

No, image is not used.

Can you please provide the output of ‘oneimage show 8 -x’?

[root@node01 ~]# oneimage show 8 -x
  <NAME>Debian 8.4</NAME>

Hi Ahtoh,

Can you try now? I mean the image has to be as you have shown

oneimage show 8>
ID: 8
NAME: Debian 8.4

STATE : rdy

With RUNNING VMS 0 and STATE rdy. There should be no error
regarding this image.

If you still have an error, then the message can be wrong. Could you also
attach onetemplate show (of the template you are tying to instantiate)

In last update (4.90.10) in Instances Log is empty.

Fixed, thank you for letting us know.

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