[4.12] VM stuck in stopped state, how to force new state


I have one VM stuck in the STOPPED state. The checkpoint file is in fact corrupted.

Unknown ramblock "A^Q<82>", cannot accept migration
qemu: warning: error while loading state section id 2

This strange caracter is also preventing sunstone to show the log…

It appears there was a server exception. Please check server's log.

But I don’t see anything in sunstone log.

I tried to force the VM state in mysql :

update opennebula.vm_pool set lcm_state='3',state='16 where oid='VMID'" 

but onevm still shows previous STOPPED state.

What’s the best way to force a new state?

Is there a way to force the VM to boot, and not to restore?

No really, but there is a work around, you can modify the restore script,
to do a create; and back once the VM is deployed again. You need to do this
in the scripts in the target host or use onehost sync to propagate the

Thanks Ruben, I will try that. Do you know how we can reset the VM log?