Any Powershell xml-rpc api examples

Does anyone have any examples of using Powershell with the xml-rpc api? Trying to do something simple, like query the config of a vm.

Hi Pete,

I’ve been doing some work around offline patching for non-persistent windows images

This is what I’ve been using -

Firstly, download the PS RPC-XML module from here -
I had to make some tweaks to this module to get it to work with OpenNebula, PM me and I can give you a copy of the updated module. (sorry I haven’t yet submitted it back to the original author)

After that it’s simply a matter of -

import-module RPC-Client

function getImageInfo( $id )
$uri = “http://your-frontend.domain:2633/RPC2
$method = “
$creds = “userid:password”
$params = @( $creds, $id )
$body = New-RPCMethod -MethodName $method -Params $params
$image = Invoke-RPCMethod -RpcServerUri $uri -RequestBody $body
if ($image[0])
return [xml]$image[1]
return $image.faultCode

$imageinfo = getImageInfo( Image ID here )
return $imageinfo

This automatically casts the XML into PS objects, so you can just reference the properties with something like:

$vmname = $imageinfo.IMAGE.NAME

I’ve only tried this on Powershell 4 but it should work with other versions

Hiyo! This is quite old, but did you ever end up publishing the changes you made Paul? Any chance you still have them and would be up for sharing?



In case anyone somehow ends up (1) with OpenNebula, and (2) using the xmlrpc API rather than CLI…

  • Used
  • Used -Debug output to see the methodCall it was creating
  • Used the screenshots from this, to figure out the correct schema for the methodCall (i.e. the first parameter (“username:password”) should simple be enclosed in <value>username:password</value>, not wrapped in a type
  • Constructed the methodCall manually (todo: create function), everything worked!

Hey Warren

I didn’t submit the updated module back to the original author as I only cared about making it work with OpenNebula, and didn’t want to bother testing the changes with any other XMLRPC APIs.

I see you’ve pretty much made the same changes I did (the original version of the module didn’t appear to set the property types (string, integer, etc) correctly.

Here’s a copy the updated module:

   New XML_RPC method string.
   New XML_RPC method string with RPC method and parameters.
   New-RPCMethod -MethodName '' -Params @("1",2,'string')
   Xml format string.
function New-RPCMethod
    $xmlMethod = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>

     foreach($param in $Params)
        $paramsValue += '<param>{0}</param>' -f (ConvertTo-RPCXmlObject -Object $param)
     return ([xml]($xmlMethod -f $MethodName,$paramsValue)).OuterXml

   Invoke XML_RPC method request.
   Invoke XML_RPC request to RPC server.
   $blogUrl = ''
   $method = New-RPCMethod -MethodName 'wp.getPostTypes' -Params @(1,'userName','password')
   The response result from RPC server.
function Invoke-RPCMethod
    $xmlResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $RpcServerUri -Method Post -Body $RequestBody
        # Normal response
        $paramNodes =  $xmlResponse.SelectNodes('methodResponse/params/param/value')
            $paramNodes | foreach {
              $value = $_.ChildNodes |
               Where-Object { $_.NodeType -eq 'Element' } |
               Select-Object -First 1
              ConvertFrom-RPCXmlObject -XmlObject  $value

        # Fault response
        $faultNode =  $xmlResponse.SelectSingleNode('methodResponse/fault')
        if ($faultNode)
            $fault = ConvertFrom-RPCXmlObject -XmlObject $faultNode.value.struct
            return $fault

   Convert object to XML-RPC object string.
   Convert object to XML-RPC object string.
   ConvertTo-RPCXmlObject 3

   ConvertTo-RPCXmlObject '3'

   ConvertTo-RPCXmlObject 3.5
   The XML-RPC object string.
function ConvertTo-RPCXmlObject
    if($Object -ne $null)
        # integer type
        if( ($Object -is [int]) -or ($Object -is [int64]))
            return "<value><int>$Object</int></value>"
        # double type
        elseif( ($Object -is [float]) -or ($Object -is [double]) -or ($Object -is [decimal]))
            return "<value><double>$Object</double></value>"
        # string type
        elseif( $Object -is [string])
            return "<value><string>$Object</string></value>"
        # date/time type
        elseif($Object -is [datetime])
            $dateStr = $Object.ToString('yyyyMMddTHH:mm:ss')
            return "<value><dateTime.iso8601>$dateStr</dateTime.iso8601></value>"
        # boolean type
        elseif($Object -is [bool])
            $bool = [int]$Object
            return "<value><boolean>$bool</boolean></value>"
        # base64 type
        elseif( ($Object -is [array]) -and ($Object.GetType().GetElementType() -eq [byte]))
            $base64Str = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Object)
            return "<value><base64>$base64Str</base64></value>"
        # array type
        elseif( $Object -is [array])
            $result = '<value><array>
            foreach($element in $Object)
                $value = ConvertTo-RPCXmlObject -Object $element
                $result +=  "<value>{0}</value>" -f $value
            $result += '</data>
            return $result
        # struct type
        elseif($Object -is [Hashtable])
            $result = '<value><struct>'
            foreach ($key in $Object.Keys)
                $member = "<member>
                $member = $member -f $key, (ConvertTo-RPCXmlObject -Object $Object[$key])
                $result = $result + $member
            $result = $result + '</struct></value>'
            return $result
        elseif($Object -is [PSCustomObject])
            $result = '<value><struct>'
            $Object | 
            Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | 
                $member = "<member>
                $member = $member -f $_.Name, (ConvertTo-RPCXmlObject -Object $Object.($_.Name))
                $result = $result + $member
            $result = $result + '</struct></value>'
            return $result
            throw "[$Object] type is not supported."

   Convert to object from XML-RPC object string.
   Convert to object from XML-RPC object string.
   $s1= '<i4>1919</i4>'
   ConvertFrom-RPCXmlObject -XmlObject $s1
   The XML-RPC object string.
function ConvertFrom-RPCXmlObject
 if($XmlObject -is [string])
    $XmlObject= ([xml]$XmlObject).DocumentElement
 elseif( $XmlObject -is [xml] ){
    $XmlObject = $XmlObject.DocumentElement
 elseif( $XmlObject -isnot [Xml.XmlElement])
    throw 'Only types [string](xml format), [xml], [System.Xml.XmlElement] are supported'
 $node = $XmlObject
    $typeName = $node.Name
     # Bool
     ('boolean') { 
        if($node.InnerText -eq '1'){ 
            return $true
        return $false 

     # Number
     ('i4') {[int64]::Parse($node.InnerText) }
     ('int') {[int64]::Parse($node.InnerText) }
     ('double'){ [double]::Parse($node.InnerText) }
     # String
     ('string'){ $node.InnerText }

     # Base64
     ('base64') {

     # Date Time
      $format = 'yyyyMMddTHH:mm:ss'
      $formatProvider = [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture
      [datetime]::ParseExact($node.InnerText, $format, $formatProvider) 

      # Array
        $node.SelectNodes('data/value') | foreach{
         ConvertFrom-RPCXmlObject -XmlObject $_.FirstChild

      # Struct
       $hashTable = @{}
       $node.SelectNodes('member') | foreach {
        $hashTable.Add($,(ConvertFrom-RPCXmlObject -XmlObject $_.value.FirstChild))
