Hi OpenNebula Team,
I’m testing OpenNebula 5.0.0 and it looks awesome, however I would like to ask if the current AppMarket 2.1.0 is compatible with OpenNebula 5.0.
Thank you for your answer.
Hi OpenNebula Team,
I’m testing OpenNebula 5.0.0 and it looks awesome, however I would like to ask if the current AppMarket 2.1.0 is compatible with OpenNebula 5.0.
Thank you for your answer.
If you have an in-house marketplace based on AppMarket 2.x you can still
use it. Create a MarketPlace of type OpenNebula and point the URL to your
existing market place.
Hi Ruben,
I have just tested the new Marketplace pointing to my in-house Appmarket URL and works perfectly.
Thank you for your help.
Glad to hear it