Someone has a normal system for backup VM (KVM) for OpenNebula?
Hello UAnton,
I wrote about that here Backup live VMs with snapshots (--quiesce --atomic)
Hi Anton,
The propper backup interface in OpenNebula is filled as feature #5498 in the OpenNebula’s dev portal.
Meanwhile in addon-sorpool we are re-purposing the VM snapshot interface to be used for managing atomic StorPool snapshots as backups. It has its issues but the interface is currently available, could be used by the end users, there are snaphots limits implemented in the storage driver and the disk resize function is not locked for the snapshots of this interface
Best Regards,
Anton Todorov
It’s a quite dirty method, but I use it successfully. Be careful with databases and something like this.
Hi Guys, this is Christian from SEP. We developed a Snapshot-Backup solution for OpenNebula.
We designed it for two big customers and it works great! Feel free to ask me more about it.
Hello! Please provide more info.
Hy Anton. You can get some information here at
you can contact me any time at cr@sep.de
Hope that helps