I have a rather strange case - build Opennebula from sources for Alpine Linux 3.15.
At the end of the deployment, when I try to run oned, I get an error:
Wed Jun 8 23:18:46 2022 [Z0][ACL][I]: ACL Manager started.
Wed Jun 8 23:18:48 2022 [Z0][HKM][I]: Loading Hook Manager driver.
Wed Jun 8 23:18:48 2022 [Z0][DrM][I]: Loading driver: hook_exe
Wed Jun 8 23:18:48 2022 [Z0][DrM][I]: Driver loaded: hook_exe
Wed Jun 8 23:18:48 2022 [Z0][HKM][I]: Hook Manager loaded
Wed Jun 8 23:18:48 2022 [Z0][DrM][E]: Unable to start driver 'hook_exe': Driver initialization failed
Wed Jun 8 23:18:48 2022 [Z0][HKM][E]: Driver initialization failed
I found an issue in this community with a similar error - this one.
Unfortunately, the solution given in that issue doesn’t work for my case.
My deployment algorithm is the following:
- Create user:
adduser oneadmin
- Adding packages:
apk add libvncserver-dev libvncserver \
gnutls gnutls-dev libnsl libnsl-dev \
alpine-sdk linux-headers openssl-dev \
make bower npm ronn sqlite-dev \
mariadb-dev mariadb-server-utils mariadb-client \
ruby-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev \
xmlrpc-c xmlrpc-c-dev g++ scons bash
apk add ruby-nokogiri py3-ipaddress ruby-rexml \
ruby-xmlrpc ruby-bundler ruby-pg ruby-augeas augeas-dev \
libpg_query curl-dev libpq-dev
- Downloading sources:
git clone https://github.com/OpenNebula/one.git
cd one
- Making changes in src/svncterm_server/genfont.c file (due musl):
vim src/svncterm_server/genfont.c
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint16_t u_int16_t;
- Compiling:
scons -j2 new_xmlrpc=yes
- Running some build scripts:
cd /root/one/share/man/
cd ~/one/src/fireedge/
- Installing Opennebula:
cd ~/one
./install.sh -u oneadmin -g oneadmin
- Intall Gems (!):
bundler install --gemfile /usr/share/one/Gemfile
- Additional actions:
apk add shadow
usermod -m -d /var/lib/one oneadmin
mkdir -p /var/lib/one/.one/
echo 'oneadmin:oneadm1n' >> /var/lib/one/.one/one_auth
chown oneadmin:oneadmin -R /var/log/one /var/lib/one /run/one /run/lock/one
- Aaaaaand starting Opennebula from oneadmin user:
fumoffu-test-node:~$ oned -f
Please tell me where I could make a mistake when deploying?
I think that something could screw up with gems.
Thanks in advance for your answers!