Display VCPU instead CPU in Sunstone cloud view


When logged as user in cloud view, while provisioning new VM, in capacity section it shows CPU value. How can I change it to show VCPU instead?



This is currently not supported. What do you want to do exactly? Just to show the value or do you want to change it also by selecting a different capacity configuration?


Hi Daniel,

I would like to show the value. I looked into the code but it does not seem that VCPU is populated into capacity (capacity.CPU is currently used)


If the vCPU is the way of saying that the VM has 4 cores, I think it is also good to display it in the template so it wouldn’t be 0.5 CPU. It raises some questions as what does 0.5 of CPU means etc.

I am also interested and looking for the way to display vCPU instead of CPU if it was mentioned in the admin view, otherwise it could display the CPU.


I agree to display VCPU in Cloud View. For user, they only concern about the cpu that they get and see in their VM.

Admin can set the mapping formula in config, say CPU value will be half from VCPU or one-to-one mappting (VCPU=CPU)

This should be addressed before 5.0:
