Econe aws-java-sdk startup time format

Hi everybody,

we just finished setting up our test environment for OpenNebula.
We are running version 5.0.1 on Arch Linux and run KVM images which works just great and fulfills all our need so first of all many thanks to the OpenNebula team!

We just ran into one small issue in the econe part. The launch time that is sent back uses a different time format than expected in the aws-java-sdk which is used in our build system to provision cloud instances.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: “2016-06-29T15:37:31+02:00” is malformed at "+02:00"
at org.joda.time.format.DateTimeParserBucket.doParseMillis(
at org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseMillis(
at com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils.doParseISO8601Date(
at com.amazonaws.util.DateUtils.parseISO8601Date(

Did anybody ran into that already? Is there an option that could fix that or would an adjustment of the locale or something solve this?

Any ideas would be highly appreciated


I filled an issue to track this:

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I have just seen that the linked issue does no longer relate to the gem update mentioned in there and is still not working in 5.2 :frowning:

Did some code digging and found a simple fix:
Not sure if this could have negative impact on any other integration though. It’s just a change in one file in econe folders.