Error with opennebula on Ubuntu and RHEL 7.2

Hello again!
I am not amused.

Is it gererally possible to run ONE on different OS?
I have the Ubuntu 14.04 with one and sunstone.
And another Machine on RHEL 7.2
When I add the 2. host and datastore, everything looks fine.
It shows the correct amount of RAM and disc space.

If I use a template on the Ubuntu and try to create a virtual machine it always fails. I tried and searched for hours now and I can not find any solution.

Error is
Error executing image transfer script: Error copying
to SRV2:/var/lib/one//datastores/0/60/disk.0

If I login as the oneadmin on SRV1 and do a scp with the data from the error message, I get no Problems with the transfer. SRV2 has name resolution, keys are stored and is not prompting for passphrase or errors with the keys…

I have no clue what to do else…
The two servers have disks buildin so no SAN or NAS is used.

Any hints?


What is your transfer driver (TM_MAD) selected in the system datastore?

About your datastore configuration: Are you using a NFS or ssh protocol to copy from the server to host?

I have had a similar problem few days ago, the solution I found was:

  1. Select TM_MAD = ssh both in datastore “default” and “system”

  2. Check if your hostname is correct, if not, put it correctly in the /etc/hosts directory.

  3. Try again!


Hi, thank you for the answer.
I was not able to fix this and I gave up.
I was using ssh in both datastore configurations.
SSH was working with keys without problem, and the host name was correct, because I used the host name to ssh into the server.
For whatever reason I can not get it to work if I have two servers with storage. Not on CentOS, RHEL or Ubuntu…
I’m tired of failing with it.