How to enable our own appmarket on OpenNebula 4.14 Beta 1

Hi Daniel.

Let me share with you, Finally. I could upgrade OpenNebuela 4.14.2 with Appmarket 2.1.3, both work fine. Was necessary run grunt requirejs command. Thanks to @esfreire. I did the following, I’m not sure if the order is ok, but it works fine.:

  1. cd /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/app/
  2. grunt requirejs
  3. npm install grunt-contrib-requirejs
  4. npm install grunt-sass grunt-contrib-watch
  5. grunt requirejs

Sunstone Develompent Dependencies

  1. npm install -g bower
  2. npm install -g grunt
  3. npm install -g grunt-cli
  4. npm install
  5. bower install
  6. bower install --allow-root
  7. grunt sass
  8. grunt requirejs

Finally show that any errors like this:

root@opennebula-test1:# grunt requirejs
Running “requirejs:compileCSS” (requirejs) task

Running “requirejs:compileJS” (requirejs) task

Done, without errors.