How to find cluster status through xml rpc in opennebula 5.0.2?

How to find cluster status through XML RPC in opennebula 5.0.2?is it possible to find cluster status?

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Hello, according to docs, you should use method.

I test it on 5.0.2 using nodejs implementation

Thanks for your reply.But I need to know how to find the cluster health status from onecluster?

Thanks for your reply.But I need to know how to find the cluster health status from onecluster?

and what you imagine under “cluster status”?

Cluster_State: Running/Failed/On/Ok/Off/Error

cluster status is like i need to get whether the cluster is running or not?I need to fetch the cluster state?

So you should use to fetch all hosts and/or datastores. Iterate over them and chcek status of each. If at least one has error status you can consider cluster status is in error state otherwise is in ok state.

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Thank you!

You are welcome. Would you like my prev post please? :slight_smile: