How to find cluster status through XML RPC in opennebula 5.0.2?is it possible to find cluster status?
Hello, according to docs, you should use method.
I test it on 5.0.2 using nodejs implementation
Thanks for your reply.But I need to know how to find the cluster health status from onecluster?
Thanks for your reply.But I need to know how to find the cluster health status from onecluster?
and what you imagine under “cluster status”?
Cluster_State: Running/Failed/On/Ok/Off/Error
cluster status is like i need to get whether the cluster is running or not?I need to fetch the cluster state?
So you should use to fetch all hosts and/or datastores. Iterate over them and chcek status of each. If at least one has error status you can consider cluster status is in error state otherwise is in ok state.
Thank you!
You are welcome. Would you like my prev post please?