Hi all!!
I’m trying to manage opennebula with jclouds…
jclouds has generic EC2 support and I’d like to exploit that to interact with opennebula.
Is there a way to do it? anyone has already tried?
Thank you!!
Have you tried this: https://github.com/OpenNebula/addon-jclouds4one ?
I think that jclouds4one let opennebula use jclouds…
I’d like to use jClouds to manage OpenNebula and not viceversa
I have created a class for jClouds to access OpenNebula… but when I try to list instances (like econe-describe-instances does) I get error because OpenNebula instances don’t match EC2 instances types (the protocol I’m using to interface)…
it fails when it tries to get InstanceType (i.e. m1.small ) but OpenNebula instances and templates don’t have that attribute…
You can only list opennebula instances that have been instantiated through the EC2 interface.
thank you for your reply
one more question
can I deploy and manage vms in opennebula with aws ec2 cli?
or I can only manage those already deployed on aws?
You can use the aws ec2 cli to interact with OpenNebula, but you have to deploy the econe-server [1] on top of oned. Note that this server implements a subset of the Amazon API, so you will find commands that will not work. You can find the list of supported API calls in the docs [2].
This way you will be able to deploy VMs locally (kvm, xen, VMWare…) or in an external cloud provider (EC2, Azure, Softalyer…), if you have configured a hybrid host [3], using the aws ec2 cli. However, in order to use all the functionality provided by OpenNebula I would recommend you to use the native OpenNebula interfaces (Sunstone, CLI, OCA bindings…)
[1] http://docs.opennebula.org/4.14/advanced_administration/public_cloud/ec2qcg.html
[2] http://docs.opennebula.org/4.14/advanced_administration/public_cloud/ec2qug.html
[3] http://docs.opennebula.org/4.14/advanced_administration/cloud_bursting/introh.html