KVM launched on FC host

I have a simple KVM template/image (Ubuntu bionic) that works flawlessly until I added a FC host. Now, the same template got launch on the FC host, even when the template specifically specifies hypervisor as kvm. Anyone seeing the same thing?

Hello @jbuggie,

Could you share your VM template (onetemplate show -x <tmpl_id>)?

  <NAME>Ubuntu Minimal 18.04 - KVM</NAME>

Note that the HYPERVISOR attribute for the VM template does not set any scheduler requirement, currently it just allow Sunstone interface to customize the views depending on the hypervisor. I’ve opened a GitHub issue to automatically creates a scheduling requirement if this attribute is set.

Until this is implemented, you will need to define the requirement manually in the VM template, you can find more information here: http://docs.opennebula.io/5.12/operation/references/template.html#template-placement-section