Loopback address missing in Ubuntu 14.04 (KVM)

There is no updated package that fixes the problem. There is one for utopic but not for trusty (irony).

I’ve managed to make the loopback work adding a script in /etc/one-context.d/06-loopback that contains:

ifconfig lo

Make sure to make the script executable. You can do it easily without starting the VM using guestfish. Something like:

# guestfish -ia image.qcow2
> touch /etc/one-context.d/06-loopback
> vi /etc/one-context.d/06-loopback
> chmod 0755 /etc/one-context.d/06-loopback
> quit

If you do it starting the VM make sure to clean the configuration before shutting down in the following places:

  • /etc/network/interfaces
  • /root/.ssh/*
  • /etc/resolv.conf

The upload speed from my current connection is really slow so I can not update the image. I’ll do it from the office next week.