I’ve seen that since Mutara (6.0) the support for LXD is deprecated and will be removed in future versions (?!).
Regarding the nice/interesting example at Using Docker on OpenNebula through LXD - OpenNebula – Open Source Cloud & Edge Computing Platform it was possible to spawn docker via LXD/LXC containers. I’ve tried it and it worked also with 6.0.2 using the LXD node driver.
But after reading about the deprecation I moved to the new LXC driver (and tried it on fresh nodes). Now docker can’t be used in the LXC containers anymore, it throws errors about problems with mounting:
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:495: container init caused: rootfs_linux.go:58: preparing rootfs caused: permission denied: unknown.
The container start failed. I’ve read at LXC Driver — OpenNebula 6.0.2 documentation that
In order to ensure the security in a multitenant environment, only unprivileged containers are supported by LXC drivers.
Is this maybe the reason for the bug, the LXC containers can’t be started privileged anymore (which seems to be needed for docker inside LXC)?
If yes:
- will the driver feature come back to life/the LXC driver or is this by intention?
- if intended and the feature will not come back, why was this feature “advertised” and supported with the LXD driver (and is still working)? Maybe this should be a configurable driver option?
My knowledge with LXC is not in-depth enough yet to fix the problem myself - does anyone has some idea how this can be fixed? Maybe some LXC configuration on the node system itself?