Ntegrate/develop OTP two factor authentification into OpenNebula 5.6.1 Suntone UI

I am new to open nebula and have a task to enable two factor authentication with OTP and if possible to have this feature added to official OpenNebula. Could you give me some guidance on how to best approach this task? I am considering if I should do it as a patch or add-on.


Hi Grzegorz,

Based on the details of what you are proposing here, in terms of augmenting the functionality of the Sunstone interface, the best way to go about moving ahead with this would be to submit a “Feature Patch”. Take a look at the details outlining how to do so here, on the OpenNebula website:


Don’t forget to read the “Important Notice about Licensing” which is outlined there.

If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Great. Thanks Michael.