Finally the third ever OpenNebula Conf opens its Call for Papers again. As you may already know, this year OpenNebula Conf is taking place in Barcelona, Spain, on October 20-22. Everybody who wants to join as a speaker can now propose a talk via the online form at:
We are looking for content that is appropriate for people who are brand new to OpenNebula, experts, and everything in between. If you are a OpenNebula practitioner, user, architect, devop, admin or developer and have something to share, we welcome your submission.
Due to the number of requests for extending the Call for Speakers we have moved the deadline to April 22nd. Speakers will receive free admission, which includes:
Attendance at all conference presentations
Attendance at pre-conference tutorials and hacking sessions
Coffee break during the morning and afternoon breaks
Lunch on both conference days Dinner event on the first conference day
Tapas dinner on the pre-conference day WiFi access
… and the opportunity to address a large audience oftalented and influential cloud and open-source experts!
Should you be interested, we would like to ask you to fill the Session Proposal Form before April 22nd.