Opennebula Upgrade to 5.0

I am upgrading, and I get this show stopper. Any idea what needs to be done here:

Version read:
Shared tables 4.90.0 : Database migrated from 4.11.80 to 4.90.0 (OpenNebula 4.90.0) by onedb command.
Local tables 4.13.85 : OpenNebula 4.14.2 daemon bootstrap

MySQL dump stored in /var/lib/one/mysql_localhost_opennebula_2016-6-15_13:59:16.sql
Use ‘onedb restore’ or restore the DB using the mysql command:
mysql -u user -h server -P port db_name < backup_file

Running migrators for shared tables
Database already uses version 4.90.0

Running migrators for local tables
Running migrator /usr/lib/one/ruby/onedb/local/4.13.85_to_4.90.0.rb

Manual Intervention required. Please input the VN_MAD for the following networks:

  • Net #1 (GT-101) VN_MAD:

Now virtual network driver is configured in the network itself instead of the host. You have to type there the driver it should use. If you have been only using one network driver in the previous version, use that. If not, use the one in the hosts where that network was used.

You should have the name of the drivers used in the file hosts.txt created in this step:

Thanks, that did it!