I’m think we are fucked … hehe.
``MySQL dump stored in /var/lib/one/mysql_localhost_opennebula.sql_2016-2-29_14:9:23.bck
Use ‘onedb restore’ or restore the DB using the mysql command:
mysql -u user -h server -P port db_name < backup_file
VNet 0 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 1 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 3 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 2 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 4 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 5 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 10 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 8 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 13 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 11 is missing from Cluster 100 vnet id list
VNet 17 is missing from Cluster 105 vnet id list
Image 58 is missing from Datastore 1 image id list
Image 925 is in Cluster 1 image id list, but it should not
VM 42852 is using Image 712, but it does not exist
VM 45357 is using Image 752, but it does not exist
VM 45357 is using Image 753, but it does not exist
VM 45405 is using Image 760, but it does not exist
VM 46499 is using Image 783, but it does not exist
VM 46522 is using Image 785, but it does not exist
VM 47702 is using Host 46, but it does not exist
VM 52783 is using Image 856, but it does not exist
VM 52906 is using Image 857, but it does not exist
VM 53364 is using Image 860, but it does not exist
VM 54709 is using Image 396, but it does not exist
VM 54992 is using Image 106, but it does not exist
VM 54992 is using Host 90, but it does not exist
VM 55083 is using Image 164, but it does not exist
VM 55083 is using Host 90, but it does not exist
VM 55084 is using Image 80, but it does not exist
VM 55086 is using Image 77, but it does not exist
VM 55086 is using Host 90, but it does not exist
VM 55088 is using Image 81, but it does not exist
VM 55088 is using Host 93, but it does not exist
VM 55089 is using Host 92, but it does not exist
VM 55090 is using Image 107, but it does not exist
VM 55090 is using Host 93, but it does not exist
VM 55091 is using Host 92, but it does not exist
VM 55092 is using Host 93, but it does not exist
VM 55094 is using Host 92, but it does not exist
VM 55105 is using Image 865, but it does not exist
VM 55105 is using Image 866, but it does not exist
VM 55106 is using Host 93, but it does not exist
VM 55110 is using Image 239, but it does not exist
VM 55110 is using Host 90, but it does not exist
VM 55109 is using Image 116, but it does not exist
VM 55112 is using Image 57, but it does not exist
VM 55113 is using Image 869, but it does not exist
VM 55114 is using Image 105, but it does not exist
VM 55114 is using Host 92, but it does not exist
VM 55115 is using Host 46, but it does not exist
VM 55117 is using Host 32, but it does not exist
VM 55124 is using Host 46, but it does not exist
VM 55129 is using Image 203, but it does not exist
VM 55134 is using Image 271, but it does not exist
VM 55139 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55143 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55164 is using Image 867, but it does not exist
VM 55164 is using Image 868, but it does not exist
VM 55165 is using Image 101, but it does not exist
VM 55166 is using Image 163, but it does not exist
VM 55171 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55173 is using Host 46, but it does not exist
VM 55176 is using Image 65, but it does not exist
VM 55178 is using Image 636, but it does not exist
VM 55180 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55183 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55184 is using Image 269, but it does not exist
VM 55185 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55187 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55188 is using Image 858, but it does not exist
VM 55189 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55190 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55203 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55194 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55196 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55197 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55198 is using Image 193, but it does not exist
VM 55198 is using Image 194, but it does not exist
VM 55200 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55199 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55202 is using Image 3, but it does not exist
VM 55204 is using Image 51, but it does not exist
VM 55204 is using Image 50, but it does not exist
VM 55907 is using Image 204, but it does not exist
VM 55907 is using Image 201, but it does not exist
VM 56807 is using Image 895, but it does not exist
VM 56807 is using Host 32, but it does not exist
VM 56915 is using Host 32, but it does not exist
VM 56922 is using Image 23, but it does not exist
VM 57159 is using Image 870, but it does not exist
VM 57182 is using Host 93, but it does not exist
VM 57330 is using Image 900, but it does not exist
VM 57330 is using Image 899, but it does not exist
VM 57361 is using Image 905, but it does not exist
VM 57363 is using Image 900, but it does not exist
VM 57363 is using Image 899, but it does not exist
VM 57393 is using Image 854, but it does not exist
VM 57550 is using Image 870, but it does not exist
VM 57553 is using Image 910, but it does not exist
VM 57553 is using Image 911, but it does not exist
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 3491, but it is actually used by VM 55200
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 23094, but it is actually used by VM 55110
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 41337, but it is actually used by VM 54193
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 910, but it is actually used by VM 55088
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 920, but it is actually used by VM 55084
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 34664, but it is actually free
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 29565, but it is actually used by VM 54725
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 31908, but it is actually used by VM 55109
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 2821, but it is actually used by VM 55095
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 38842, but it is actually used by VM 55091
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 26589, but it is actually used by VM 55090
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 41365, but it is actually used by VM 55089
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 41376, but it is actually used by VM 55093
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 41339, but it is actually used by VM 55092
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 38838, but it is actually used by VM 55114
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 913, but it is actually free
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 32626, but it is actually used by VM 55086
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 40619, but it is actually used by VM 55094
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 26286, but it is actually used by VM 55134
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 3493, but it is actually used by VM 55197
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 3492, but it is actually used by VM 55199
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 41411, but it is actually used by VM 55141
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 47417, but it is actually free
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 38865, but it is actually used by VM 55194
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 47422, but it is actually used by VM 55171
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 47420, but it is actually used by VM 55183
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 44250, but it is actually used by VM 55145
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 25403, but it is actually used by VM 55196
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 3454, but it is actually used by VM 55202
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 47418, but it is actually used by VM 55185
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 45143, but it is actually used by VM 55139
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 42098, but it is actually used by VM 55190
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 42099, but it is actually used by VM 55189
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 44188, but it is actually used by VM 55143
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 47419, but it is actually used by VM 55187
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 43041, but it is actually used by VM 55137
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 80, but it is actually used by VM 55203
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 47421, but it is actually used by VM 55180
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 3391, but it is actually used by VM 53364
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 1890, but it is actually used by VM 54992
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 48628, but it is actually used by VM 56807
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 31992, but it is actually used by VM 55106
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 31918, but it is actually used by VM 55083
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 33422, but it is actually used by VM 55112
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 42671, but it is actually free
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 42607, but it is actually used by VM 55117
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 42608, but it is actually used by VM 55115
VNet 0 AR 0 has leased to VM 42609, but it is actually used by VM 55116
VNet 0 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:23:41, but it is in use by VM 57550
VNet 0 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:23:58, but it is in use by VM 52906
VNet 0 has 93 used leases, but it is actually 91
VNet 1 AR 0 has leased to VM 26601, but it is actually used by VM 56922
VNet 1 AR 0 has leased to VM 160, but it is actually used by VM 55135
VNet 1 AR 0 has leased to VM 26284, but it is actually used by VM 56915
VNet 1 AR 0 has leased to VM 23761, but it is actually used by VM 55198
VNet 1 AR 0 has leased to VM 3424, but it is actually used by VM 55907
VNet 1 AR 0 has leased to VM 47411, but it is actually used by VM 55123
VNet 1 AR 0 has leased to VM 3450, but it is actually used by VM 55204
VNet 1 AR 0 has leased to VM 3405, but it is actually used by VM 55138
VNet 3 AR 0 has a wrong lease for VM 32624. IP6_LINK does not match: fe80::400:c1ff:fe90:2c32 != . This can’t be fixed
VNet 2 AR 0 has leased to VM 26601, but it is actually used by VM 56922
VNet 2 AR 0 has leased to VM 26284, but it is actually used by VM 56915
VNet 2 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:70:00:50, but it is in use by VM 56807
VNet 2 has 3 used leases, but it is actually 4
VNet 17 AR 0 has leased to VM 50224, but it is actually free
VNet 17 AR 0 has leased to VM 50225, but it is actually free
VNet 17 AR 0 has leased to VM 50226, but it is actually free
VNet 17 AR 0 has leased to VM 50227, but it is actually free
VNet 17 AR 0 has leased to VM 50228, but it is actually free
VNet 17 has 5 used leases, but it is actually 0
VNet 4 AR 0 has leased to VM 43231, but it is actually used by VM 54125
VNet 6 AR 0 has leased to VM 47982, but it is actually used by VM 57392
VNet 6 AR 0 has leased to VM 45408, but it is actually used by VM 51649
VNet 6 AR 0 has leased to VM 45294, but it is actually used by VM 57371
VNet 6 AR 0 has leased to VM 45412, but it is actually free
VNet 6 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:22:dc, but it is in use by VM 57370
VNet 6 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:22:e9, but it is in use by VM 57393
VNet 6 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:22:86, but it is in use by VM 55113
VNet 6 has 9 used leases, but it is actually 11
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 45690, but it is actually used by VM 55170
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 45692, but it is actually used by VM 55169
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 47282, but it is actually used by VM 55181
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 47278, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 47279, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 45688, but it is actually used by VM 55179
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 39837, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 41080, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 41579, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 41150, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 45883, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 45590, but it is actually used by VM 57363
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 47781, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 42393, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 47887, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 47015, but it is actually used by VM 54284
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 46193, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 46232, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 43657, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 43658, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 43659, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 43660, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 has leased to VM 40866, but it is actually free
VNet 18 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:26:02:24, but it is in use by VM 57389
VNet 18 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:26:02:0e, but it is in use by VM 54126
VNet 18 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:26:02:09, but it is in use by VM 53812
VNet 18 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:26:02:21, but it is in use by VM 57330
VNet 18 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:26:02:3d, but it is in use by VM 54648
VNet 18 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:26:02:01, but it is in use by VM 55126
VNet 18 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:26:02:3e, but it is in use by VM 54649
VNet 18 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:0a:26:02:07, but it is in use by VM 52783
VNet 18 has 34 used leases, but it is actually 25
VNet 10 AR 5 has leased to VM 47013, but it is actually used by VM 57159
VNet 10 AR 11 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 57234
VNet 10 AR 6 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 57182
VNet 10 AR 1 has leased to VM 46709, but it is actually used by VM 51265
VNet 10 AR 7 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 56963
VNet 10 AR 2 has leased to VM 46710, but it is actually used by VM 51271
VNet 10 AR 8 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 57326
VNet 10 AR 3 has leased to VM 46713, but it is actually used by VM 51430
VNet 10 AR 9 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 57548
VNet 10 AR 4 has leased to VM 46748, but it is actually used by VM 56813
VNet 8 AR 0 has leased to VM 39794, but it is actually used by VM 55178
VNet 8 AR 0 has leased to VM 28470, but it is actually free
VNet 8 AR 0 has leased to VM 40732, but it is actually used by VM 55124
VNet 8 AR 0 has leased to VM 33273, but it is actually free
VNet 8 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:23:f8, but it is in use by VM 54709
VNet 8 has 13 used leases, but it is actually 12
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 25874, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 41441, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 453, but it is actually used by VM 55176
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 1874, but it is actually used by VM 55165
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 41473, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 23438, but it is actually used by VM 55144
VNet 7 AR 0 has a wrong lease for VM 37108. IP6_LINK does not match: fe80::400:c1ff:fe90:214b != . This can’t be fixed
VNet 7 AR 0 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 55129
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 32471, but it is actually used by VM 55173
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 45841, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 42869, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 48333, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 48262, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 44850, but it is actually used by VM 54886
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 47016, but it is actually used by VM 51846
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 47669, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 50375, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 49588, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has leased to VM 50376, but it is actually free
VNet 7 AR 0 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 55188
VNet 7 AR 0 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 55105
VNet 7 AR 0 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 57361
VNet 7 AR 0 has lease on hold, but it is actually used by VM 57553
VNet 7 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:21:57, but it is in use by VM 57123
VNet 7 AR 0 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:21:6a, but it is in use by VM 55164
VNet 7 has 60 used leases, but it is actually 51
VNet 13 AR 0 has leased to VM 40695, but it is actually used by VM 55118
VNet 13 AR 1 has leased to VM 48631, but it is actually used by VM 55119
VNet 13 AR 2 has leased to VM 29574, but it is actually used by VM 55120
VNet 13 AR 3 does not have a lease for 02:00:c1:90:23:68, but it is in use by VM 55121
undefined method content=' for nil:NilClass /usr/lib/one/ruby/onedb/fsck.rb:1480:in
/usr/lib/one/ruby/onedb/fsck.rb:1269:in each' /usr/lib/one/ruby/onedb/fsck.rb:1269:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/dataset/actions.rb:151:in each' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:312:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:367:in yield_rows' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:312:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:180:in _execute' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mysql_prepared_statements.rb:23:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/database/connecting.rb:229:in synchronize' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/connection_pool/threaded.rb:92:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/database/connecting.rb:229:in synchronize' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mysql_prepared_statements.rb:23:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/dataset/actions.rb:762:in execute' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:351:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:296:in fetch_rows' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/dataset/actions.rb:151:in
/usr/lib/one/ruby/onedb/fsck.rb:1260:in fsck' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/database/query.rb:300:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/database/query.rb:263:in transaction' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/database/connecting.rb:229:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/connection_pool/threaded.rb:105:in hold' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/database/connecting.rb:229:in
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sequel-3.39.0/lib/sequel/database/query.rb:261:in transaction' /usr/lib/one/ruby/onedb/fsck.rb:1259:in
/usr/lib/one/ruby/onedb/onedb.rb:276:in fsck' /usr/bin/onedb:317 /usr/lib/one/ruby/cli/command_parser.rb:449:in
/usr/lib/one/ruby/cli/command_parser.rb:449:in run' /usr/lib/one/ruby/cli/command_parser.rb:76:in
/usr/bin/onedb:210:in `new’
Error running fsck version 4.11.80
The database will be restored
MySQL DB opennebula at localhost restored.