VNC ports reserved

I’m setting up VNC ports reserved and when starting opennebula, I get the following error:

“oned[36088]: syntax error, unexpected VARIABLE, expecting COMMA or CBRACKET at line 95, columns 3540:3548”

I am using opennebula version 5.4.13-1
This my VNC config in oned.conf

 92 VNC_PORTS = [
 93     START    = 5900
 94 #    RESERVED = "6789, 6800:7300, 9869, 49152:49261, 29876"
 95     RESERVED = "6800, 6801, 6810:6820, 9869"
 96 ]

Is this a bug? How can I setup VNC ports reserved?
Thank you.

Hi @lecaotri,

You should add comma between the variables. Just like all other “vector” configurations in the file. In your case the following should work:

    START = 5900,
    RESERVED = "6800, 6801, 6810:6820, 9869"

Best Regards,
Anton Todorov

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Thanks @atodorov_storpool!
You are right, I marked your answer as solve problem.