Windows VM with disk over 2Tb


I ran into the problem of installing Windows on a large disk volume.

  • OpenNebula 5
  • Ceph as RBD
  1. Create DATABLOCK in RAW, virtio, 7Tb.
  2. Create template with DATABLOCK, CD of Win2012 & ISO with VIrtio drivers pack.
  3. Create VM and start installation process of Windows.

  4. At the step when we choose disk, change disk type to GPT format with DISKPART util.

All ok, but can`t create partition with 7Tb.

When I try to extend partition - get an error.

Continue installation.
In disk management we see, that disk is MBR.

Is it problem in Virtio drivers or in something else?

I try another way.
Create new DATABLOCK, connect it to the current VM, convert to GPT. Poweroff VM.
Detach old disk, connect again Win2012 installer and VIrtio drivers… but got the next error: