Active Directory group mapping?

Group mapping works with active directory. Here is the configuration I have in my machine:

$ onegroup show test | grep GROUP_DN
$ grep -v '^$' ldap_auth.conf | grep -v '^ *#'                
server 1:
    :user: ''
    :password: '*******'
    :auth_method: :simple
    :host: domain.server
    :port: 389
    :base: 'dc=opennebula,dc=org'
    :user_field: 'sAMAccountName'
    :mapping_generate: true
    :mapping_timeout: 300
    :mapping_filename: server1.yaml
    :mapping_key: GROUP_DN
    :mapping_default: 1
    - server 1

This is the manual execution of the driver action with a test user in that cloud group and the mapping file that was generated automatically by the driver:

$ $ONE_LOCATION/var/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate test - test
Trying server server 1
ldap test CN=test%20test,CN=Users,DC=opennebula,DC=org 100
$ cat $ONE_LOCATION/var/server1.yaml
CN=cloud,CN=Groups,DC=opennebula,DC=org: '100'

Notice the number 100 in the authentication test. That is the id of cloud group so it is correctly mapped.