I am having issues with mapping my LDAP groups to OpenNebula groups. The documentation around group templates and generation of the Server1.yaml files was a bit unclear. I was able to add GROUP_DN to my Group template, but my user account is still not mapping to the OpenNebula group that contains that entry. I also tried to manually add the information to the server1.yaml file without any success. Below is my ldap_auth.conf settings and my server1.yaml settings. Any help would be appreciated.
server 1:
:user: 'cn=admin,dc=ldapdomain'
:password: '**********'
:auth_method: :simple
:host: ldapserv
:port: 389
:base: 'dc=ldapdomain'
:group_base: 'ou=Group,dc=ldapdomain'
:user_field: 'uid'
:group_field: 'memberUid'
:user_group_field: 'uid'
:mapping_generate: false
:mapping_timeout: 300
:mapping_filename: server1.yaml
:mapping_key: GROUP_DN
:mapping_default: 1
:rfc2307bis: true
cn=admins,ou=Group,dc=ldapdomain: ‘100’
100 is the ID of my opennebula group