Add image via CLI

How i can add image to datastore.
I have file in qcow2 format, and i want add it for using to datastore with id 100 from OpenNebula server (in fact, i want to do it via remote server, if you know how, please, tell me issue)
onedatastore update 100 /var/lib/one/file.qcow2
but i have “failed to allocate memory”

in ONE v4.12 one can use

oneimage create --name debian-9-x64-KVM-2GB_cntxt_qcow2 --path -d 100 --driver qcow2

or a value for the path parameter can be a path on local FN disk e.g.

oneimage create --name debian-9-x64-KVM-2GB_cntxt_qcow2 --path /tmp/centos-7.qcow2 -d 100 --driver qcow2

I had problem with --path , in my case it’s should be /var/tmp/
Thanks, for help