Hi all
I’m trying to import an image
And it failed
( vmware 6.0 and the last OpenNebula 5.4.5 )
[root@portal ~]# chmod 777 /var/tmp/CentOS-7.qcow2
[root@portal ~]# oneimage create --name CentOS-7-x64-KVM-2GB_cntxt_qcow2 --path /var/tmp/CentOS-7.qcow2 -d 100 --driver qcow2
[one.image.allocate] Error allocating a new image. New images cannot be allocated in a system datastore.
[root@portal ~]#
Regarding vcenter, you need to know that every vcenter datastore can be imported into opennebula as two datastores (image and system) so u need to upload the image to the proper image datastore.