CentOS 7 Repository for non public releases (latest 5.4.4)

Hi @feldsam

Well, almost builded - the sunstone package is missing :wink:
I’ve take a look at the src.rpm[1]. The packages README.md is not keeping the pace with the development. Unfortunately the sunstone Development doc also is lagging. So when preparing the sunstone interface you must rename dist/main.js to dist/main-dist.js after running grunt requirejs[2]. Beside that most probably you have some other issue to resolve too (without the mentioned note the sunstone package was built, but it was broken…)

[1] You should consider using git archive to extract the sources from git. I am using the following line:

git archive --prefix="opennebula-5.6.2/" -o "../opennebula-5.6.2-src.tar.gz" "release-5.6.2"

[2] There is a script to automate the rebuild of sunstone’s main.js named build.sh where you can find the actual build procedure. If you decide to use build.sh directly keep in mind that there are some flaws though.

Hope this helps :sunglasses:

Best Regards,
Anton Todorov