Change custom attribute in VM with API


Today I created a functional for changing the tariff plan for my customers and I get a problem.
After instantiated VM from template, i see this (It`s OK and script working, when change between tariffs):

I try to setup password for instantiated VM with custom USER_INPUTS, e.g. PASSWORD_BASE64 with API one.vm.updateconf, and change ONLY parameter PASSWORD_BASE64, but after VM starts parameter OS, FEATURES and GRAPHICS are deleted and parameter PASSWORD_BASE64 doesn`t change.

If i try to manually do this - that is OK.

  1. Stop VM
  2. Go to update configuration
  3. Change parameter PASSWORD_BASE64 and save.
  4. Re-create or change tariff.

After this actions password changed and that`s ok.
How I can do it with API?

I use this:

 $context = $nebula->call('', [(int)$id]);
 $context->TEMPLATE->CONTEXT->PASSWORD_BASE64 = base64_encode('zxcqwe123');
 $nebula->call('one.vm.updateconf', [(int)$id, $context->asXML()]);

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):

CentOS 7, ONe 5.4.6

Up this topic!