Hello Opennebula Teams,
A user logging into Fireedge cannot change their password. I copied the “user-tab.yaml” file from the admin folder to the user folder. In the user view interface, when I try to change the password, there are two messages:
However, I can change the password using the Sunstone interface.
With these error messages, I understand that the user does not have the right to administer themselves. I had to add the ACL to “@1 USER/@1 ADMIN *” (users belonging to the user group can administer users in the user group). After making this change, I could change the password in the user view interface.
Why doesn’t Sunstone require this ACL? Does the created ACL pose any security risks? Can a user with password-changing rights access other users within the same user group?
Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs): Opennebula 6.8
Steps to reproduce: copy user-tab.yaml from admin folder to user folder, login as user, change password.
Current results: change ACL to change user password
Expected results: change user password like in sunstone (not change ACL or use a safer ACL.