I have detected a problen in my new system OpenNebula-6.8.0 (although some tests in my older system 6.4.0 give me the same error output).
In the “cloud” view, if I try to instantiate a template that has configured CPU with “range” value, VM doesn’t instantiate and browser seems to wait for nothing… and nothing happens. However, the same user with the same template in “user” or “admin” view could select CPU range with no problems.
In the screenshot above, my template allows “Physical CPU” from 0,5 to 1. If I leave that value in 0,5, I can instantiate VMs with no problems (even in “cloud” view). However, if I select any value from 0,6 to 1, then, VM is not instantiate.
Testing this scenario from a Firefox browser with development tools active, I have seen that if I move CPU bar to select range, appears a message error than say (in Spanish) “un control de formulario no válido no puede tener foco” and I suppose that in English translate as “an invalid form control cannot have focus”.
We’re sorry but 6.8 version is no longer maintained. We encourage you to upgrade to 6.10 version where you can use the new Sunstone in the new FireEdge service to avoid this problem.
Once you have upgrated ONE, you will need to make the following steps if you want to modify CPU input in the cloud view (please, see Sunstone views for more info about views):
Log out from Sunstone
Modify in the file /etc/one/fireedge/sunstone/cloud/vm-template-tab.yaml the properties “hide_cpu” and “cpu_factor” to false (by default, new Sunstone doesn’t let you to modify CPU input in the cloud and user views. See features for more info)
Also, modify the same file in /etc/one/fireedge/sunstone/user if you want to have the same behavior on the user view.
Log in again in Sunstone and instantiate a vm with a range in the CPU input
Users of the Community Edition of OpenNebula can upgrade to the latest version only if they are running a non-commercial deployment, but they will need to upgrade first to the previous stable version. In order to access the latest migrator package, a request needs to be submitted through this online form.
But I need to know what is the previous stable version of my running system. I’m running 6.8.0-1 packages and I have seen in Index of /repo/ that exists a newest 6.8 version named So, I need to know if process upgrade to 6.10 needs to previous update to and, in this case, if this process requires migrator package or this migrator package is only when my system ran
Please, help me with this, because I don’t want to break my running 6.8 system.
when you could, give me an answer about my doubt. I have configured a similar scenario for testing purpposes. My idea is, first, upgrade from 6.8.0-1 to (named 6.8 in OpenNebula???) and, then, install migrator package and upgrade to 6.10. Is correct this way? Or I also need to install migrator package before upgrading to