Console in vSphere 7

Hi everyone,

I have installed the last version vOneCloud appliance 5.12 to VMware vSphere 7 Infrastructure.
All is fine but I cannot get VM console. As I know, VNC support was deleted in vSphere 7. I’ve tried set up VNC. But it is not work. Is there any other variant to get VM console? Maybe VMRC – VMware Remote Console?
Is there any document about how get VM Console on VMware 7?

Thank in advance.

Hello @Seburau

vSphere 7 is not yet supported by OpenNebula, here you can find the supported versions, that’s why the console is not working for you.


Thank you Alex.
Does anybody know when vSphere 7 will be supported?
And I saw NSX-T 2.4.1+ supported. Does that mean support for NSX-T 3.0?

Best regards, Felix

Hello @Seburau

This is scheduled for next major release, it will be available on January 2021, this date is an approximation, so please check official channels to be aware of the new version release date.
