Datastore import issue

Not able to import the datastore and template error message is showing Cannot contact server: is it running and reachable? Opennebula version 5.4.6

hi Abhaya_c,

i understand that you are running Sunstone and you cannot perform any action.

this message Cannot contact server: is it running and reachable? tell us that Oned daemon (OpenNebula core and main process) is not running.

Make sure that your OpenNebula installation is working properly:


Dear Semedi

Below services are running

systemctl list-units | grep open
usr-openv.mount loaded active mounted /usr/openv
opennebula-flow.service loaded active running OpenNebula Flow Service
opennebula-novnc.service loaded active running OpenNebula noVNC Server
opennebula-scheduler.service loaded active running OpenNebula Cloud Scheduler Daemon
opennebula-sunstone.service loaded active running OpenNebula Web UI Server
opennebula.service loaded active running OpenNebula Cloud Controller Daemon
