Default Image Datastore + SAN System Datastore

I have a Dell PowerVault 3200i that I want to use as System Datastore.
I have 1 frontend server and a few nodes (all KVM) all using v6.0.0.2 release.

To get iSCSI working, I followed the instructions here.

On the frontend:
I created 2 datastores: 1 for System and 1 for Image (I don’t understand how the Image DS is used here but I just followed the doc)

$ cat iscsi_lvm_system.ds
NAME = iscsi_lvm_system
TM_MAD = fs_lvm
BRIDGE_LIST = "node1 node2 nodeN"
$ onedatastore create iscsi_lvm_system.ds
ID: 102
$ cat issci_lvm_image.ds
NAME = iscsi_lvm_image
DS_MAD = fs
TM_MAD = fs_lvm
SAFE_DIRS=”/var/tmp /tmp"
BRIDGE_LIST = "node1 node2 nodeN"
$ onedatastore create iscsi_lvm_image.ds
ID: 103

On the nodes:
All nodes are able to access 2 LUNs on the iSCSI and I was able to setup the Volume Groups properly for each DS.

$ sudo vgs
  VG         #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize     VFree    
  vg-one-102   1   0   0 wz--n-   <14.36t   <14.36t
  vg-one-103   1   0   0 wz--n- <1024.00g <1024.00g


  • When I list the datastores on fe, the Image datastore doesn’t have the correct size.
  ID NAME                   SIZE AVA CLUSTERS IMAGES TYPE DS      TM      STAT
 103 iscsi_lvm_image        133G 86% 0             1 img  fs      fs_lvm  on  
 102 iscsi_lvm_system      14.4T 100 0             0 sys  -       fs_lvm  on  
   2 files                  1.1T 94% 0             0 fil  fs      ssh     on  
   1 default                1.1T 94% 0             2 img  fs      ssh     on  
   0 system                    - -   0             0 sys  -       ssh     on  
  • I downloaded an alpine image to the Image Datastore from the marketplace, but when I tried to deploy it to a node and specified the iscsi_lvm_system as Datastore, it fails with the ff logs:
Sun Jun 6 12:14:45 2021 [Z0][VM][I]: New state is ACTIVE
Sun Jun 6 12:14:45 2021 [Z0][VM][I]: New LCM state is PROLOG
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: Command execution failed (exit code: 2): /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/fs_lvm/clone frontend:/var/lib/one//datastores/103/2754b8bdc3e009edc02be6c240fcceea node3:/var/lib/one//datastores/102/7/disk.0 7 103
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/fs_lvm/clone: line 87: [: too many arguments
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/fs_lvm/clone: line 99: [: File not found: integer expression expected
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][E]: clone: Command " set -e -o pipefail
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: mkdir -p /var/lib/one//datastores/102/7
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]:
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: hostname -f >"/var/lib/one//datastores/102/7/.host" || :
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]:
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: # zero trailing space
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: if [ "yes" = "yes" ]; then
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: LVSIZE=$(sudo -n lvs --nosuffix --noheadings --units B -o lv_size "/dev/vg-one-102/lv-one-7-0" | tr -d '[:blank:]')
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: dd if=/dev/zero of="/dev/vg-one-102/lv-one-7-0" bs=64k oflag=seek_bytes iflag=count_bytes seek="267386880" count="$(( LVSIZE - 267386880 ))"
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: fi
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]:
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: if [[ "cannot open `/var/lib/one//datastores/103/2754b8bdc3e009edc02be6c240fcceea' (No such file or directory)" =~ "LUKS encrypted file" ]]; then
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: cat "/var/lib/one//datastores/103/2754b8bdc3e009edc02be6c240fcceea" > "/dev/vg-one-102/lv-one-7-0"
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: else
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: qemu-img convert -O raw "/var/lib/one//datastores/103/2754b8bdc3e009edc02be6c240fcceea" "/dev/vg-one-102/lv-one-7-0"
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: fi
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]:
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: rm -f "/var/lib/one//datastores/102/7/disk.0"
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: ln -s "/dev/vg-one-102/lv-one-7-0" "/var/lib/one//datastores/102/7/disk.0"" failed: 16+0 records in
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: 16+0 records out
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: 1048576 bytes (1.0 MB, 1.0 MiB) copied, 0.162278 s, 6.5 MB/s
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][I]: bash: line 14: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``'
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][E]: Error cloning /var/lib/one//datastores/103/2754b8bdc3e009edc02be6c240fcceea to lv-one-7-0
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][TrM][E]: Error executing image transfer script: Error cloning /var/lib/one//datastores/103/2754b8bdc3e009edc02be6c240fcceea to lv-one-7-0
Sun Jun 6 12:14:49 2021 [Z0][VM][I]: New LCM state is PROLOG_FAILURE

I guess this is relatetd to the Image Datastore with the storage size not reflecting correctly.

  • I am under the impression that the Local Image Datastore will work with SAN/LVM System Datastores on nodes because there’s no mention in the docs about it. NFS was mentioned but it was only for live migration (which I intend to do but not for now). But when deploying an image from the default Image datatstore to a SAN/LVM System datasotore, it throws an error on the scheduler:
Image from default (local) to LVM (SAN) System datastore will result in:
Sun Jun  6 11:09:37 2021 [Z0][VM][E]: Error deploying virtual machine 6 to HID: 3. Reason: [one.vm.deploy] Image Datastore does not support transfer mode: fs_lvm

Is NFS NECESSARY for SAN/LVM System Datastore to work?
What is the purpose of SAN/LVM Image Datatstore on the Documentation mentioned above?

If anyone can enlighten me, I would really appreciate the help. Keep building!

I cannot get the follwoing combo to work when changing type from FILE → BLOCK:
TM_MAD = fs_lvm

[one.datastore.update] Cannot update template. Invalid DISK_TYPE for a System Datastore.

But this is from the documentation on how to create the SYSTEM DS

> cat ds.conf
NAME   = lvm_system
TM_MAD = fs_lvm_ssh
BRIDGE_LIST = "node1.kvm.lvm node2.kvm.lvm"

> onedatastore create ds.conf
ID: 100

no DISK_TYPE mentioned and TM_MAD = fs_lvm_ssh

I thought images could be downloaded to the FE and then during instantiation copied via ssh over to the SAN/LVM mounted image DS. Or maybe they should be downloaded directly to that DS ?

I think I just started a copy of this thread but I’m using FC instead of iSCSI but I guess the solution will be the same. Documentation is thin on this topic. Following with much anticipation!

And sorry Brian, not meaning to highjack just put my thoughts into this.

When I download an image from apps/marketplace into the LVM IMAGE DS it’s the metadata (/var/lib/one/datastores// is only available on a single node. This does indicate that it is up us to get them distributed i.e having that part NFS mounted. But I don’t really like that. What is the point of OpenNebula then? But the actual image is under that directory so what’s even the point of using an LVM based IMAGE DS ?

Hi @timedout and @Fredrik_T ,

The SAN Datastore docs [1] mentions the following:

Disk images are stored in file format in the Image Datastore and then dumped into a LV when a Virtual Machine is created. The SAN Datastore can access the Image files in two different ways:

  • NFS mode : The image files are available directly in the Hosts through a distributed file system, e.g. NFS or GlusterFS ( fs_lvm ).
  • SSH mode : The image files are transferred to the Host through the SSH protocol ( fs_lvm_ssh ).

So, trying to answer to your questions:

Is NFS NECESSARY for SAN/LVM System Datastore to work?

No, if you use SSH mode (it wasn’t available for v6.0.0.2).

What is the purpose of SAN/LVM Image Datatstore on the Documentation mentioned above?

Image Datastores act as the image repository from where the images are taken to deploying VMs (into System Datastores).

I thought images could be downloaded to the FE and then during instantiation copied via ssh over to the SAN/LVM mounted image DS. Or maybe they should be downloaded directly to that DS ?

The images are downloaded to the FE and then during instantiation copied via ssh over to the SAN/LVM System DS. But as mentioned in the docs images are stored as file when they are not in use.

Hope this can help you to better understand SAN/LVM Datastores behavior.

[1] SAN Datastore — OpenNebula 6.2.2 documentation

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Hi @cgonzalez.
Thanks for responding! This is the page I have been looking at but cannot get to work. Not sure how to troubleshoot this further at the moment.

Hi @FredrikT,

Can you share the exact error you are seeing?