Error adding Host on with Ubuntu16.04


I have installed OpenNebula using the Quick Install guide for Ubuntu 14.0. However, I have installed OpenNebula on Ubuntu 16/04. Both the frontend and the nodes are installed on the same desktop.

I have followed all the instructions in the Quick Installation guide. However, when I try to add a host, the host is listed with State Error.I see the error in the oned.log that there is an error when trying to monitor the host. However, I can’t figure out how to get this to work.

When I try to launch a VM , I get an error saying that there are no suitable hosts so I think I really need to fix the above issue.

I would be extremely grateful if anyone could please help me to solve this issue as soon as possible!
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Anne Marie

Hello @andelane,

Please can you show the errors you get in the oned.log?

Hi Diego,

I’ve attached a screenshot of the oned.log.

The actual line it seems to be failing on is ’ Command execution fail: 'if [ -x “/var/tmp/one/im/run_probes” ]; then /var/tmp/one/im/run_probes kvm /var/lib/one//datastores 4124 20 4 johnd1; else '.

Do you know how to fix this issue?

Kind regards,

Anne Marie


ssh: Could not resolve hostname johnd1: name or service not known

Check DNS or hosts file.

Hi UAnton,

I checked the host files and there was an issue. We had tried changing the hostname of the desktop but only changed it in etc/hostname. I checked etc/hosts and edited the hostname in this file too. The error you found has disappeared, but the error monitoring log still exists.

Here is another screenshot of the current errors.

If you have any idea of how to fix this error, please let me know.
Thanks a million for your help. I really appreciate it!

Kind regards,

Anne Marie


I also tried running the command /var/tmp/one/im/run_probes kvm /var/lib/one//datastores 4124 20 4 johnd1 but I got a message saying that the file or directory doesn’t exist.

Here’s the screenshot:

Anyone know what the issue here is ?

Kind regards,

Anne Marie

HI UAnton and Diego,

Just to add my other steps, I read some other posts on this forum and tried to run ‘onehost sync -f’ as the oneadmin user. However this failed with the following errors:

I then tried installing ruby but it said that the latest version of ruby is already installed.

I would be very grateful for any help with this issue!

Kind regards,

Anne Marie

You have problems with permissions.

Hi UAnton,

Yes, I’ve just granted oneadmin user write permissions to var/lib/one. However, when I try to run onehost sync -f it prompts me for oneadmin’s password which I don’t know.

When I try to use the same password that I log into the Sunstone GUI with, it doesn’t work.
Do you know how to find the oneadmin password that will work in the terminal?

Kind regards,

Anne Marie

Please read manual.

Hello @andelane, you have to setup password less ssh access for oneadmin user on compute nodes and also disable host key checks or add manually all nodes to know_hosts file

Hi Kristan,

I tried all that and it still gave me the error.

But it worked when I gave permissions 700 on the known_hosts file. Thank you!! :slight_smile:

The last thing that I’ve to get working is network access on the vms and then we’re good to go.

Thanks for your help!

Anne Marie