Error getting virtual machine


After migration error: Error getting virtual machine.
Old version 4.12. New version 5.6

Migration log:

I don’t see old virtual machine information. If I create a new VM, I can see new VM information.

root@opennebula:~/mig# service opennebula start

root@opennebula:~/mig# onevm list | grep 3632
3632 oneadmin oneadmin deb             runn    2      8G ohv3         2d 04h14

root@opennebula:~/mig# onevm show 3632
[] Error getting virtual machine [3632].

SELECT body FROM opennebula.vm_pool WHERE oid=3632;

fixed. Added record to history table (was empty).

OK. Thanks for the info, the missing history was probably removed by a bug in one of the migrators. we’ll take a look to see if we can find where the problem is. Glad you were able to solve the problem
