I am using version 5.4.6 currently which have problem now where VDC admin is not allow to create its own Virtual Network.
Currently I have created a VDC which pre-allocate VNets as screen capture.
And created a Group with user admin inside.
This group is allow to use VDC resource.
Also created an ACL which I have already allow Group member to “use, manage,create, admin” - ID25
However, when login as VDC group admin. Create Virtual Networks still not allow.
Could you please advise how should solve this problem?
(Tino Vázquez)
February 2, 2018, 10:45am
You need to enable it in the Sunstone yamls. Take a look at file /etc/one/sunstone-views/groupadmin.yaml.
(Kristian Feldsam)
February 3, 2018, 8:49am
Hi Tino, is it also possible to force VDC admin to create only specific type of network, eg 802.1q and preddefined physical interface?
1 Like
Any details meaning for each parameters for groupadmin.yaml ?
I also read
I am using version 5.4.6 currently which have problem now where VDC admin is not allow to create its own Virtual Network.
Currently I have created a VDC which pre-allocate VNets as screen capture.
And created a Group with user admin inside.
This group is allow to use VDC resource.
Also created an ACL which I have already allow Group member to “use, manage,create, admin” - ID25
However, when login as VDC group admin. Create Virtual Network…
but no much available information there.
(Tino Vázquez)
February 5, 2018, 2:46pm
That is currently not supported. Please open a feature request in GitHub to evaluate the use case.
(Jean-Philippe FOURES)
May 7, 2018, 1:53pm
I faced the same behavior on same release and before opening a Feature request I checked here if somelse faced the same.
I added some “admin” rights for the Admin user. I added an ACL with ADMIN right for “CLUSTERS”.
I am not a big fan of this workaround as it means that an external user with admin rights must be cluster administrator to create a Virtual Network. While for me this should not be the case (I will open a feature request for this).
@machiasiaweb , can you check if adding some admin rights to this user unlock you situation ?
Thank you