I can't spin up VM on the second host of my cluster

Please, describe the problem here and provide additional information below (if applicable) …

I’ve added two hosts (host id = 1 and 3) into my cluster (cluster id = 100). The network settings of the two hosts are exactly the same. I can spin up vm on the first host without any issue. But while instantiating vm on the second host, I always got the error.
Cannot dispatch VM: No host meets capacity and SCHED_REQUIREMENTS: (CLUSTER_ID = 0 | CLUSTER_ID = 100) & !(PUBLIC_CLOUD = YES) & !(PIN_POLICY = PINNED) & ( (HYPERVISOR=kvm) & (HOST_ID = 3) ).
The SCHED_REQUIREMENTS (before HYPERVISOR = kvm) were added automatically by OpenNebula which I can’t delete.

Also when I use onecluster to display the resource of this cluster, I see the total CPU/memory is the sum of both hosts.
By the way, I’ve setup the image datastore as ‘shared’ (NFS). And the rest two datastores (system and files) are ssh (local storage).

Could someone guide me how I can spin up vm on the second host?

Appreciate it! Thanks!

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):
OpenNebula 6.10

Steps to reproduce:

Current results:

Expected results:

Hi, It feels good to be at the point that I can now help someone else :slight_smile:
Please see the last post to this item:

bottom-line Sunstone Web UI issue.
change this part of the rule give incorrectly by the UI.

from: (HOST_ID = 3)
to: (ID = 3)


Wow! you are a genius! By simply changing the HOST_ID into ID, it’s working now! It took me a lot of time to investigate and play the SCHED_REQUIREMENTS… But I didn’t know that this is the issue…
Also I find that there are some parameters which might be changed in the latest 6.10 version. I am still struggling to let the VM take the EXTRA_ROUTING from the context of virtual networks after creating it. All the other network parameters pre-defined in the Virtual Networks have become effective, but not the EXTRA_ROUTING. Maybe you have any tips?
Again, thanks very much for your response!

You are very welcome. I lost a few days on that one. I’m not familiar with the routing features you mentioned. I’m a rather new Open Nebula users.

I’d suggest a new post to the appropriate sub category.

Only TIP, I’ve found helpful for config/create issues with 1st release of new Web UI Sunstone, is to look at the same item on orig UI which is still active on release v6.10.0 but on port 80 URL. I figured out a few confusing issues this way.

Good Luck!

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