I don’t have any more information, cause i can’t start current script manually, cause i don’t know where i should get xml template to pass it into the script ‘firecracker/deploy’
$ cat vm.xml | /var/tmp/one/vmm/firecracker/deploy '/var/lib/one//datastores/110/17/deployment.0' 'stud-node47' 17 stud-node47
MicroVM process did not start.
Running Firecracker v0.21.1
2020-11-09T17:10:58.930402809 [one-19] Setting configuration for VMM from one single json failed: The kernel file cannot be opened: No such file or directory (os error 2)
I should provide the kernel file ? Should i compile it by myself with you provided minimal config, or i can get binary from somewhere ?
I’ve tried to run firecracker manually and got the same error. It cause in my vm dir doesn’t exists disk.0 file, but context disk.1 file exists. Why disk.0 file didn’t create, or where i can get it manually ?