Migrate OpenNebula Frontend to another host

I am currently tasked with migrating the OpenNebula Frontend of a productive installation to another host. I read through the documentation and found that creating a Federation with Master / Slave could do the trick. The new host would become the Master and I would import the old frontend host’s database.

However I wonder if there is an easier way of doing that?

Additionally I’d like to know whether I need to switch the old frontend host’s database to MySQL prior to importing it to the Federation Master? The documentation does not state that clearly, I think.

Cheers & Thanks


That is not what a Federation means. In a federation, each zone has their own infrastructure, and they share the same users. But the resources are not moved from one to another.

To move an OpenNebula instance to a new installation, you need to copy /etc/one, /var/lib/one, /var/log/one, the DB and the datastores.

For sqlite, the DB will be in /var/lib/one/one.db. The datastores (mounted in /var/lib/one/datastores) will be more or less difficult to move depending on your storage backend.


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Thanks for that insight! I assumed it would work like that, but wasn’t sure. /var/lib/one/datastores simply is a NFS mount point on a NAS. So I think this should work quite easily.

Do I have to shutdown all VMs and the frontend priot to copying everything?



You definitely must stop opennebula before moving anything. Make sure you don’t have any VMs in a transient state (prolog, migr, epil, save). Wait until these VMs get to a final state (runn, suspended, stopped, done).

If the datastores are mounted in the hosts, I think there shouldn’t be a problem if the VMs are running while the frontend is down.


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Ok, thanks! Will try that soon and report the result :fearful:


I know this thread is already a few years old. But we face the same problem at the moment. We installed our Frontends on CentOS 8, unfortunately we all know what happened to CentOS, so we want to migrate to Ubuntu now, what is the best approach now? The points above are still valid? We have 3 Frontends in HA.

I was wondering if it is possible to add the Ubuntu servers now to the HA and then remove the CentOS machines?