Cloud computing is something totally new to me. Among all cloud computing solutions I’ve found, documents and comparisons I read, I decided to go with opennebula in my learning. It’s libre and opensource with a good documentation, a large community, an easy handling.
I started studying opennebula on Debian and Centos, I took the time to look at the source .deb and .rpm files, start a comparison between these two distribution based on the default configuration after an opennebula installation. In addition I made an installation on my Arch based distribution from the opennebula source code. All this has been very informative, with now some questions and futur answers that will allow me to start practicing.
I hope I was not too boring with my presentation, I would like to thank the whole team that is taking care of this wonderful project. For me this is only the beginning of a new adventure and without a doubt I made the right choice with opennebula.