Trying to use vagrant plugin for ONE 5.0. The same plugin works when using KVM host and predefined template over there.
Now I am trying to do the same with vcenter, but VM is stuck in PENDING state, no logged messages whatsoever and cannot find anything that points to the problem except for this error message in the Scheduler part of the VM:
Tue Oct 11 16:22:43 2016 : No host meets capacity and SCHED_REQUIREMENTS: (CLUSTER_ID = 0) & !(PUBLIC_CLOUD = YES) & ( ID=“2” )
Interesting part is that instantiation works fine when I try this manually. No complaints. Also, error message mentions some “PUBLIC_CLOUD” thing which I think is not defined anywhere. Where does it come from?
Anyhow, my understanding of that requirement is “cluster id has to be 0, public_cloud must be NO (!) and host ID has to be 2”… All fine with me.
Scheduler log is of no help, I can see repeated attempts (every 30 sec) of deployment:
16:19:43 2016 [Z0][VM][D]: Found 1 pending/rescheduling VMs.
16:19:43 2016 [Z0][HOST][D]: Discovered 2 enabled hosts.
16:19:43 2016 [Z0][SCHED][D]: Match-making results for VM 26:
16:19:43 2016 [Z0][SCHED][D]: Dispatching VMs to hosts:
Nothing more. VM 26 is still in PENDING state.
Can somebody help me where to look next? Trying to pinpoint the root cause somehow…