you need to replace the 2nd “proxy” with an actual address, like hostname or an IP address.
This is useful when you are outside your company network, so you might not be able to reach sunstone on it’s default port 9869. Instead you can use a proxy server to redirect your request via the proxy to the internal sunstone server on port 9869.
So in your case, the change prob. redirected traffic to the proxy address proxy:8080 (which probably doesn’t resolve or respond).
I think (not sure) you redirected communication from sunstone to oneflow to a proxy “http://proxy:8080”. If that connection doesnt work, they can’t communicate.
I think this traffic gets redirected thru the proxy:
# Server Configuration
# OpenNebula daemon contact information
:one_xmlrpc: http://localhost:2633/RPC2
# Time in seconds between Life Cycle Manager steps
:lcm_interval: 30
# Host and port where OneFlow server will run
:port: 2474
my actual proxy address is “proxy”. I’ve seen bug tickets saying that ruby is not able to honor no_proxy options for some host, so I guess oned is trying to contact my oneflow service using http thru the proxy…