Opennebula 6.10 CE - Missing Console Button in Fireedge

Please, describe the problem here and provide additional information below (if applicable) …
Hey everyone,

we upgraded our OpenNebula CE from 6.8 to 6.10 and we need not use fireedge instead of the debrecated sunstone frontend (problems with VMRC and ESXi 8 in sunstone).

But in 6.10 the button for the console access is missing!


Weird thing is, that in Version 6.8 it was there… So is this just a bug and will be fixed soon or are we missing something?

Best regards

Edit: We can see the consol button in the old Sunstone frontend and in fireedge we have tried all of the different views (admin,grpadmin,user,cloud)

Versions of the related components and OS (frontend, hypervisors, VMs):
OpenNebula: Ubuntu 22.04, 6.10 CE
Hypervisor: ESXi 8

Steps to reproduce:
upgrade to 6.10 and check fireedge frontend
Current results:
no console button is shown
Expected results:
button to open console should be there

VMRC support has been removed from FireEdge, only the button will appear on the old one. Compatibility Guide — OpenNebula 6.10.1 documentation