Opennebula 4.12, server 4core, 8gb ram. Hypervisor 3 (testing), opennebula debian 7.8, hypervisor debian 8.1
Opennebula server using memory ~300 MB, I run a opennebula (/etc/init.d/opennebula start) after 10 sec memory usage 2.5 GB. High memory usage process /ur/bin/oned -f. CPU usage ~30%.
Log /var/log/one/oned.log I not see error.
Before new hypervisor added work ok (memory usage ~500-700MB)
Then I start sunstone and go to browser login to opennebula, vm info, memory usage 8gb+ -> OOM killer
I restarted the opennebula and sunstone Now using ~7GB RAM and 41MB SWAP.
And this process using 1core and ~3GB ram ruby /usr/lib/one/sunstone/sunstone-server.rb
Sunstone error “It appears there was a server exception. Please check server’s log.”