Pass input value to VM with Terraform

I created VM Template which is having one User Input. Can anyone please suggest the how to pass input value while instantiating VM by template through terraform. I am using following code which is not working. EXP_DATE is user defined parameter here.

provider "opennebula" {
  endpoint      = "http://localhost:2633/RPC2"
  flow_endpoint = "http://localhost:2474/RPC2"
  username      = "oneadmin"
  password      = "root"

terraform {
  required_providers {
    opennebula = {
      source = "OpenNebula/opennebula"
      version = "0.3.0"

resource "opennebula_virtual_machine" "demo" {
  name        = "tfdemovm1"
  template_id = 0
  cpu         = 0.2
  user_inputs = [
  EXP_DATE = "11112021" ]

Facing the same issue.
@vholer @feldsam Please mention some useful links/resource or share thoughts over the same.