Passwordless ssh from frontend to host help


I am trying to setup passwordless ssh from the oneadmin user from the frontend to the oneadmin user of a LXC node.

I am following the 6.10 documentation, however, I when i get to the step?
Distribute Authentication Configuration

I get prompted for the password of the oneadmin user of the host.

I have followed the steps to create the know_hosts file, and I have changed the permissions from 600 to 700 of the ~oneadmin/.ssh folder. Also, I have added the following command to the .bashrc file of the oneadmin user in the frontend:

export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/var/run/one/ssh-agent.sock

But still nothing, if I run $ echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK in the frontend, it returns nothing.

Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.

You can simply add the public ssh key of the oneadmin user on the frontend to the .ssh/authorized_keys file of the oneadmin user on the LXC node. After you initiate the connection, the host identity will be questioned and then will be added to the known_hosts file.