I want to use virtnbdbackup to make backup of VMs that use Qcow format, but I had this error when I try it:
libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'blockdev-add': Could not open '/var/tmp/backup.6LZFF.vda': Permission denied
Exists any limitations to using this ‘blockdev-add’?
- Rocky Linux (Debian 11 the same error)
- Opennebula-host-kvm package
- Opennebula 6.4
A wild guess - the qemu process is started as oneadmin user. Did you try running the script as oneadmin?
Anton Todorov
Yes I tried, but has the same error 
Then you should check is debugging available debug in the backup tool to figure-out why qemu-kvm has no permissions to access the file in the given path…
Anton Todorov
Hi, I found the problem: in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf, the option “dynamic_ownership = 0” (included in opennebula-node-kvm) makes the scratch file is created with “root” user and permission 600; then generate error “permission denied”.
Setting “dynamic_ownership = 1” solving the backup problem, but what problem could it bring to Opennebula?
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