Planing for Opennebula OS?

Hey team,

Day by day , version by version opennebula is getting good and better. We like sunstone web gui and simplicity , awesome . We have opennebula in our private data center with kvm as hypervisor . We have a suggestion / request , i thing most peoples have it too .

  • Please create a distribution for KVM use only (eg : Like proxmox ve ) . So that users can easily install it and able to use HA facilities.

Peoples like me are waiting for your valuable reply .

Thanks for the suggestion! We totally agree, and we are actually starting to work on it. I can’t give you an ETA for the time being, but it will definitely happen in the short-medium term.

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its a good idea something like proxmox
can you please give more information about this project ?
if its not totally commercial maybe i can help