Problem with Sunstone tab Instances-VMs

Hi, guys.
I installed Opennebula 5.11 and got error with Sunstone a tab Instances-VMs.
When I click this tab i don’t see any VMs, but a command onevm list show my VMs.
And when I want to move from the tab Instances-VMs to other tab, my Sunstone interface doesn’t work, helps only refresh а page.
And when i move to a Dashboard tab i see Virtual Machines blinking block.
Where is the problem?

In the logs i see:

Message received: LOG I 74 Command execution failed (exit code: 255): /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/server_cipher/authenticate
Command execution failed (exit code: 255): /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/server_cipher/authenticate
Message received: LOG E 74 login token expired
login token expired
Message received: AUTHENTICATE FAILURE 74 login token expired
Auth Error: login token expired
Req:9088 UID:-1 IP: one.vmpool.infoextended invoked , -2, -1, -1, -1, ""
Req:9088 UID:- one.vmpool.infoextended result FAILURE [one.vmpool.infoextended] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.

I can’t find where is the mistake

Hello @define
Thanks for the feedback! Very appreciated that you have tested the beta upgrade.

We have reverted some changes in the last days, if you can update your installation again it should be fixed. Dont forget remove the browser cache after installation.
Anyway, if you experience a similar error again, I would appreciate a screenshot of your browser console.


Thank you very much for your reply.
I’ll test.